
Sunday, September 22, 2013

about the United States and Murphy's Law

Eric Schlosser's new book Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety has turned my thinking back to accidents. In my last post I referred to Edward McClelland's analysis of the middle class in the United States. He called it an accident. If he's right, I'd add that the temporary phenomenon known as "The American Dream" has been replaced with a nightmare. That nightmare is economic and it is a nightmare that I doubt will rise to the conscious level of most Americans as a true "class warfare" issue. Rather than analysis I will try to make that point with a true story.
I chatted with a man on Padre Island in 2011, the first year I camped there with my dog Edy, writing songs and practicing up for Austin open mics. He was the manager of a Sears appliance repair facility. It was his career; he was something like 20 years into the job. He told me that, despite the overall problems of the Sears corporation, appliance sales and maintenance were still profit centers. Yet, he also told me of the downsizing his unit had undergone and his relief at surviving with a decent income. Then, he tells me of the immigrant employees he supervises and how they all say, "America is the best country in the world for an immigrant." He said it obviously as a statement of the greatness of the United States. I thought, well yeah, if you're immigrating from anywhere except Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, etc., sure, "America, what a country."
Now, I'm reading about how close the United States has come to accidental (what a shame I must add that word) nuclear detonations within our borders! Go here, to Politico, for an interview with Eric Schlosser. Or here on Or go here for The Guardian book review and interview.
Pete Seeger began his lovely book Where Have All the Flowers Gone: a Musical Autobiography with a discussion of Murphy's Law - "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." It seems that from a rational point of view a huge proportion of the human race is doomed. There are just too many BIG things that can go wrong! In the United States, a sizeable minority controls the government. This minority has a distressing penchant for banding together on Big Issues, so it doesn't much matter how one refers to them: they are The Religious Right, The Gun Nuts, The Unscientific Minded, The Haters of the UN, the rascist, ignorant, manipulated masses ... In short, The Republican Party. These dangerous people are enabled by: those who eschew politics altogether, those who pay no attention to real news, those who never receive "news" from a source that covers the rest of the world, those who have only one issue and they "got theirs" whether it be marriage or marijuana or...  In short Democrats and non-voters.
I heard a BBC reporter use the word "perverse" in relation to the inability of the United States to view gun violence as an important issue. Yes, it is perverse that our Congress cannot pass a Constitutional fix that would address gun ownership AND drastically reduce gun violence. Yes, it is perverse that our Supreme Court elected a president and WE did NOT take to the streets in protest!!
And it is perverse that WE go on with, I think I will call it, The Presidential Obsession. One Man, or maybe One Woman, will lead us back to the American Dream, the Promised Land ... The United States is unconsciously begging for a dictator.

über die Vereinigten Staaten und Murphys Gesetz

Eric Schlosser neues Buch Command and Control : Nuclear Weapons , die Damaskus- Unfall , und die Illusion von Sicherheit hat mein Denken wieder zu Unfällen geworden. In meinem letzten Beitrag habe ich auf Edward McClelland Analyse der Mittelschicht in den Vereinigten Staaten. Er nannte es ein Unfall. Wenn er Recht hat , würde ich hinzufügen, dass die vorübergehende Erscheinung als "The American Dream" bekannt, mit einem Alptraum wurde ersetzt . Das Alptraum ist die wirtschaftliche und es ist ein Alptraum , dass ich bezweifle, werden dem bewussten Ebene der meisten Amerikaner als eine wahre " Klassenkampf "-Ausgabe steigen. Anstatt Analyse werde ich versuchen, diesen Punkt mit einer wahren Geschichte zu machen.
Ich unterhielt mich mit einem Mann auf Padre Island im Jahr 2011 , dem ersten Jahr habe ich dort mit meinem Hund Edy lagerten , Songs zu schreiben und Üben für Austin offenen Mikrofone . Er war der Manager eines Sears Appliance Reparatur-Service. Es war seine Karriere , er war so etwas wie 20 Jahre in den Arbeitsmarkt . Er erzählte mir , dass trotz der allgemeinen Probleme der Sears Corporation, Gerät Vertrieb und die Wartung noch Profit Centern . Doch er erzählte mir auch von der Verkleinerung seiner Einheit erlitten hatte und seine Erleichterung zu überleben mit einem anständigen Einkommen. Dann erzählt er mir von den ausländischen Arbeitnehmer betreut er und wie sie alle sagen: " Amerika ist das beste Land in der Welt für Einwanderer . " Er sagte, es offensichtlich als eine Aussage über die Größe der Vereinigten Staaten . Ich dachte, na ja, wenn Sie von einwandernden sind überall mit Ausnahme von Großbritannien , Deutschland, Frankreich , Kanada, usw. , sicher , "Amerika , was für ein Land. "
Jetzt bin ich darüber, wie nahe die Vereinigten Staaten , um eine versehentliche ( was für eine Schande muss ich dieses Wort hinzufügen ) nukleare Detonationen innerhalb unserer Grenzen kommen beim Lesen! Gehen Sie hier , um politisch , für ein Interview mit Eric Schlosser . Oder hier auf . Oder gehen Sie hier für The Guardian Buchbesprechung und Interview.
Pete Seeger begann seine schönes Buch Wohin sind alle Blumen gegangen sind : - " . Alles, was schief gehen kann , wird schief gehen ", ein Musical Autobiography mit einer Diskussion über Murphys Gesetz Es scheint, dass von einem rationalen Standpunkt aus ein riesiger Teil der Menschheit dem Untergang geweiht ist . Es gibt einfach zu viele Dinge, die BIG schief gehen kann ! In den Vereinigten Staaten, steuert eine beträchtliche Minderheit der Regierung. Diese Minderheit hat eine Vorliebe für belastend Banding zusammen auf großen Themen , so dass es nicht egal, wie viel man sie bezieht : sie sind der religiösen Rechten , die Gun Nuts , The Unscientific Minded , The Haters von der UNO, der rascist , ignorant , manipulierten Massen ... Kurz gesagt, die Republikanische Partei . Diese gefährlichen Menschen ermöglicht durch: diejenigen, die Politik insgesamt scheuen , diejenigen, die keine Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken wirklichen Neuigkeiten , diejenigen, die nie erhalten "news" von einer Quelle , die den Rest der Welt , diejenigen, die nur ein Thema haben, und sie " bekam deckt ihre "ob es Ehe oder Marihuana zu sein oder ... Kurz Demokraten und Nichtwähler .
Ich hörte ein BBC-Reporter das Wort " pervers " in Bezug auf die Unfähigkeit der Vereinigten Staaten, um Waffengewalt als wichtiges Thema ansehen . Ja, es ist pervers, dass unser Kongress nicht passieren kann eine konstitutionelle Update, Waffenbesitz ansprechen möchte UND drastisch reduzieren Waffengewalt . Ja, es ist pervers, dass unsere Supreme Court einen Präsidenten gewählt und wir haben nicht auf die Straße aus Protest nehmen !
Und es ist pervers, dass wir weitermachen mit , ich denke, ich werde es nennen, die Präsidentschafts- Obsession . Ein Mann , oder vielleicht Eine Frau , führt uns zurück zu den amerikanischen Traum , das gelobte Land ... Die Vereinigten Staaten sind unbewusst Betteln für einen Diktator .

Friday, September 20, 2013

Edward McClelland's analysis at is superb!

I was born in 1950 in Amarillo, Texas. I never had a hard time finding a job until the late '80s. I moved from state to state. The first job I kept for 12 months was one of the hardest I ever had. It was at Iowa Beef Packers in Amarillo. I was pushing 30. I was in the Teamsters Union, my first union job and it was the first time I earned over a thousand dollars a month.
I was a bottom-feeder when it came to jobs. I'd show up in a town, find out where the local Manpower or other daily work agency was and the next morning I'd be there at 6am, among the first 10 or so men waiting for a job of work. 
Once in New Haven, Connecticut, I worked a couple of days at the Schick Razor plant. It was huge. Forklifts (ah, how I loved operating forklifts - the first step up from the pallet jack), truck loading docks. .. I remember being surprised that such a huge plant manufactured such a tiny product!
My first awakening to the new United States was when I called a Manpower company to ask what time I should show up in the morning to get a day job. I was asked my phone number. I didn't have a phone number; I was calling from a pay phone. I was told that Manpower required workers to have a phone and an address. The earth had shifted under my feet.
I've never read a sharper, concise analysis of my country's economy than RIP, the middle class: 1946-2013. It's here  on
Please check out my album: Texas Socialist Infiltration Dance Songs Instigated and Agitated by Burl Dunn.  It's on iTunes and other likely download sites.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fear the man who don't give a f***

I love that this song works in the tradition of the Murder Ballad (a quite jolly sounding one, too) and as a warning for punishing innocent people (a theme of Contrary) AND as a warning to the US in it's relentless efforts to police the world.

                         Fear the Man
                    from the album Contrary

I had a hundred dollars in my wallet
Had a 6-shooter 25 in my pocket
Every bone in my body said, You’re out of luck
Every synapse in my brain fired, I don’t give a fuck

You don’t need to fear a tough talkin’ man
He’s just tryin’ to bluff you any way he can
Fear this, you can bet your last buck
Fear the man who don’t give a fuck

I had a hundred dollars and a lot of gall
He was a rich man bettin’ it all
I kept winnin’, he kept grinnin’
But his mind was not on poker at all

You don’t need to fear a tough talkin’ man
He’s just tryin’ to bluff you any way he can
Fear this, and you can bet your last buck
Fear the man who don’t give a fuck

He kept raisin’ the ante, I kept rakin’ it in
When I noticed a smile had replaced his grin
I looked him close right in the eye
He looked somewhere over my shoulder

I knew from his eyes what was in his head
In his mind I was lying there dead
His right hand went under the table
By the time he’d touched his gun I had done what I was able

Well you don’t need to fear a tough talkin’ man
He’s just tryin’ to bluff you any way he can
Fear this, you can bet your last buck
Fear the man who don’t give a fuck

I leaned over his body, looked him in the eye
He looked somewhere over my shoulder
I left his gun, I took his wallet
It contained a small fortune I’d have to call it

Instrumental break

Hell, you don’t have to fear a tough talkin’ man
He’s just tryin’ to bluff you any way he can
Fear this, you can bet your last buck
Fear the man who don’t give a fuck

I left it all except for the cash
Put it in my pocket where I keep my stash
I took care of the fingerprint mess
Nobody ever knew I was at that address

You don’t have to fear a tough talkin’ man
He’s just tryin’ to bluff you any way he can
Fear this, and you can bet your last buck
Fear the man who don’t give a fuck

Why in the world would you run a man down
With disdain and contempt actin’ like he’s a clown
You think you’re dominating while you mire him in the muck
You’re creating a man who don’t give a fuck
You’re creating a man who don’t give a fuck
You’re creating the man who don’t give a fuck

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Momma Needs Morphine

                                            Momma Needs Morphine
                                            copyright by Burl Dunn
                                           from the album Contrary
Momma needs morphine
She’s 89
Momma needs morphine
She’s lost her mind
Momma’s in hospice
So what is your excuse
Not to ease her pain
It’s abuse
My Momma needs Morphine

Momma fell down
She broke her hip
Less than 24 hours later
They are giving me lip
When I asked for something
To ease her pain
They gave her a little pill
Of artificial codeine
My Momma needs morphine

Momma needs morphine
She’s 89
Momma needs morphine
She’s lost her mind
Momma’s in hospice
So what is your excuse
Not to ease her pain
It’s abuse

Momma has dementia, it’s so severe
When I visit she doesn’t even
Know it’s me here
Momma keeps on tryin’
To get out of bed
If I fall asleep
She might fall down dead
Momma needs morphine

Doctors and hospitals want her alive ‘till Judgement Day
‘Cause her good insurance will pay and pay.
Momma needs morphine

Momma needs morphine
She’s 89
Momma needs morphine
She’s lost her mind
Momma’s in hospice
So what is your excuse
Not to ease her pain
It’s abuse
Momma needs Morphine

Momma means money
To these jerks
Momma means money
So what if she hurts
It’s the hypocritical oath
It’s the AMA
They run the system
Just to get more pay
Momma needs morphine
Not more fiends
Momma needs morphine
Not more fiends
Momma needs morphine