
Monday, January 27, 2014

Old-fashioned Populism is the all-American answer to defeat the Corporatist Two-Party System ruining the U.S.

Here is a link to It will open in a new window and I encourage you to read: SEEDS OF A MOVEMENT: A 21ST CENTURY POPULIST RENEWAL IS FLOURISHING AT AMERICA'S GRASSROOTS
So you thought Texas was full of yahoos? Think again. This man was elected Texas Commissioner of Agriculture in a state-wide election in 1982. Texas was a hotbed of the old populist movement and it was farmers who led the way against the railroad and banking interests. Jim Hightower is the living embodiment of an old Southern tradition.
Nothing convinces me more that the Democratic Party is not going to lead us out of our moral decline in this country than the fact that it was the Democrats who failed to recognize the populist revolution that elected President Obama. Back-stabbing Republicans were predictable. Back-stabbing Democrats are the enemy and I don't cry when they are defeated. 
I have not heard Democrats take a solid stand against the perverted use of eminent domain that must be if the Keystone Pipeline is to be built. I have not seen the Dems protect the innocent children of America from gun violence even though a simple, literal interpretation of the Constitution clearly indicates that regulation is allowed.
I've blogged on these issues before, so I'll end now, leaving you time for Jim Hightower.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

about Natasha Lennard's Salon piece and the futility of her call for militant protests against google

Words are barely adequate to express my outrage at Natasha Lennard and her Salon article, here.
What an utter misbegotten piece of crap. You want to protest the surveillance state but you are too much a coward to protest from the top down? The surveillance state originated with the CIA and all its offshoots and you merely want to harass Google employees AND their families. By God I'll not be surprised when someone gets shot and the shooter walks free. You don't know whose "buttons" you are pushing Natasha. 
I also read this example of courage on the same day as I read Natasha's piece of crap. Read here the US edition of the Guardian's coverage of the heros of the Ukraine.
If I ran google, I'd immediately step down my cooperation with spies, but I would also move my entire fuckin' operation to Texas. Please come to Texas in the springtime. Try Austin.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

über die Tiefe der Genom-Projekt der Pandora

Hören mein Pandora-Station "Knoten- Dunn Radio" hat eine fast religiöse Erfahrung . Um Songs, die tiefer in meine Volks Vergangenheit , als ich erwartet erreichen zu hören, zu hören, rockige Songs , die mein nehmen auf Felsen zu validieren ; , um mit Johnny Cash und andere treffen sich brachte mich zum Weinen . Aber, wie in der Welt könnte Pandora wissen, um das Ende Buck Ramsey anziehen? Ich traf Buck in Amarillo , als ich noch in der High School . In einem Sommer habe ich ein Zimmer in einem nicht mehr existierenden Bar Amarillo Boulevard, alten Route 66, und eröffnete ein Café namens " Der Hut von Baba Yaga . " Eine Anzeige in der Zeitung brachte Buck und Judith Nelson, dann Judy Clark, zu singen.
Buck war schon in einem Rollstuhl, verletzt , während der Arbeit auf einer Ranch . Von Buck und Judy war es nur ein Baby Schritt zur Erfüllung Stanley Marsh 3, er von der Cadillac Ranch . Judy und ich nahm ein Band auf einer Rolle -zu-Rolle ich besaß . Es war eine Ode an Stanley und Amarillo. Judys erste Lied begann: " In einem zitronenfarbenenTraumland liebevoll als Amarillo bekannt ... " Ich passte Tom Paxton Song auf " The Globe News ist die Globe Blues, können Sie sich jederzeit wählen , 10 kleine Pfennige in die Hand des Zeitungsjungen Wählen Sie eine Kopie , und Sie Never Never Land rechts entlang reiten."
Zu wissen, dass Buck Arbeit wurde an der Smithsonian Folkways -Label setzen , der heilige Gral der amerikanischen Folk, wärmt mein Herz . Hier ist ein Link zu Buck Smithsonian Wurzeln. Öffnet ein neues Fenster .
Judy ging auf Austin und warum sie nicht um es groß in der Texas- Outlaw Revival ist über mir. Wie Buck, schlug sie es groß , wenn auch auf ihre eigene Weise . Mein Gott, ich nur ihr Vinyl 45 rpm record gefunden auf Amazon, hier . Wenn Sie nicht lassen Sie sie in naher Zukunft, die Gott werde ich dies zu dem, den sie mir gab hinzufügen. Jetzt muss ich sie " Oh Johnny Bitte , spielen Sie eine weitere Nacht mit Ihnen wieder . " Sie kam um Haaresbreitezu hören Roy Orbison aufnehmen diesen Song. Google sie.
Vielen Dank Amarillo.

about the depth of Pandora's genome project

Listening to my Pandora station "Burl Dunn Radio" has been an almost religious experience. To hear songs that reach deeper into my folk past than I expected; to hear rocking songs that validate my take on rock; to meet up with Johnny Cash and others made me cry. But, how in the world could Pandora know to put the late Buck Ramsey on? I met Buck in Amarillo when I was still in high school. One summer I took a room in a defunct bar on Amarillo Boulevard, old Route 66, and opened a coffee house called "The Hut of Baba Yaga." An ad in the paper brought in Buck and Judith Nelson, then Judy Clark, to sing.
Buck was already in a wheelchair, injured while working on a ranch. From Buck and Judy it was just a baby step to meeting Stanley Marsh 3, he of the Cadillac Ranch. Judy and I recorded a tape on a reel-to-reel I owned. It was an ode to Stanley and Amarillo. Judy's first song began, "In a lemon-colored dreamland fondly known as Amarillo ..." I adapted Tom Paxton's song to "The Globe News is the Globe Blues, you can pick up a copy any time you choose, 10 little pennies in the newsboy's hand, and you ride right along to Never Never land."
To know that Buck's work was put out on the Smithsonian Folkways label, the holy grail of American folk, warms my heart. Here is a link to Buck's Smithsonian roots. Opens in new window.
Judy went on to Austin and why she did not make it big in the Texas Outlaw Revival is beyond me. Like Buck, she hit it big, though in her own way.  My God I just found her vinyl 45 rpm record on Amazon, here. If you don't snap it up soon, by God I'll get this to add to the one she gave me. Now I need her "Oh Johnny Please, play one more night with you again." She came within a hair's breadth of hearing Roy Orbison record that song. Google her.
Thank you so much Amarillo.
ps Sweet, now in the afternoon there is only one Judy Clark record on Amazon: I Just Dropped By to See the Show and Long Legs on 45 rpm vinyl. Snap it up!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

about the housing and Craigslist market in Scottsdale, Arizona

The online New York Times has a slideshow of houses for sale in Scottsdale, AZ. Here is a link. It will open in a new window.
I lived with my family in Glendale, AZ thinking that Scottsdale was full of nothing but rich folks. I found out the truth when I began searching for bargains on Craigslist. Specifically, I was looking once for a Sunfish sailboat and another time for a cheap van. Found 'em both. And, in so doing, I got to see the charming middle-class houses in Scottsdale. It was heartening.
I grew up in a neighborhood in Amarillo, Texas, which had a street-by-street mix of of houses ranging from lower middle-class to to upper and on to more mansion-like homes. What a wonderful thing! People in a wide range of economic classes sharing the neighborhood.
You know, socialism is not about leveling the economic classes. It's about leveling the playing field. It's about allocating scarce and precious resources so that God's gifts are not hogged by the few. So that a family cannot go on forever in because one person made and kept a fortune. Andrew Carnegie knew the value of work. That's one reason why he didn't leave everything to his family.

I hope you check out Burl Dunn on Pandora. Here is a link to Pandora online radio.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

about Ron and Rand Paul

Anyone who has read my blogger spot here on google knows the respect I have for Ron Paul and the excitement I have in common with the Campaign for Liberty. I cannot transfer that respect to son Rand Paul because, mainly, he hasn't inherited the respectful but insistent attitude to his cause that marked the long career of his daddy. He is not a Southern Gentleman, as is Ron.
I excitedly began reading Ron's long email about his unfortunately-named "Freedom Bomb," a petition to be sent to Congress. When I clicked on the donate button, linked here, (opens in anew window) the first thing I saw was the repeal ObamaCare language. Sorry Ron. Where was the "bring home America's troops" language?
The only political contributions of my life were made to Obama, two of them as I recall. I will not abandon ObamaCare, the long-overdue start to proper healthcare in the United States. Like the law, I am also in a "two steps forward, one step back" situation. Let's insist on keeping that one remaing step forward!
I invite you here to Pandora online where you may write in "Burl Dunn" and sample my music free. Pandora will open in a new window.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

, or thanks, Uws Radio in Ayrs Scotland for another play!

Graham Charlton, is a dj on a great college terrestrial station, here. It's UWS radio in Ayr, Scotland.
I met him at a meeting of the Traditional Song and Music Society in Glasgow, Scotland. I went in search of music and with a pint in hand was told, "You want to go to the room behind that door." Best to go with "your song" in your head, because you'll be about the only one not prepared to sing from the table. A lady who looks exactly like my Aunt Ola from Amherst, Texas sang one day at a time  sweet jesus, so don't think all the finger-waggers are in any one place. Ha! Most of us were drinking, and all drinking quite lightly.
updated: My aunt is not a finger-pointer, so I regret the implication. back to original:
Well, thanks Graham! Tatooed With Regrets sounds a bit slow now, though.
ps The new cover for Contrary is a regrettable neccesity, however the CD is the same as it was, a disk replicated by a specialist.  (My, ahem, "iconic" Burl image from the color picture) is my google-associated image and is on the old cover of the same disks.

you may be part of my musical genome!

Listening to my musical genome grow on Pandora is an amazing experience.
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'nuff said

Monday, January 13, 2014

I might be part of your musical genome!

Words can't explain what Pandora Radio can do for an artist's self-esteem. I'm listening to Burl Dunn Radio right now, Day One. When it starts with Jorma Kaukonen and includes Johnny Cash, well now ... I'm not in it for the money. Let those who already made it holler about the cheap pay; I'm getting paid right now and no one can ever take that from me!
Kent Finlay, of the Cheatham Street Warehouse and Woodshed Studios used that line in a song about a cowboy's rodeo buckle. I couldn't have done it without Kent and Sterling Finlay, Big John Mills, Johnny Arredondo, Russell Tanner, engineer. Sterling's sister Halley Anna pointed me in the right direction; didn't know her at the time. Thanks all.