Patriotism is the
United States has run amok and it will ruin us. I mean more than we are ruined
now; right now we’re just on the track; it’s still a long ways to hell. I can
think of no stronger argument that could be used right now by Democrats in the upcoming
elections from 2014 through 2016 than that George Bush and Dick Cheney’s wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong – wrong for all countries involved, a
shameful waste of taxpayer dollars, a tragic loss of life and limb of American
troops, a tragedy for the innocent people of Iraq and Afghanistan. But
Democrats can’t make the argument because they played the role of lapdogs to
Bush and Cheney. The blood is on the hands of the Democratic Party, too. They
play war games, too.
Republicans have
gained tremendous political ground by merely being the party of NO. From Bill
Clinton onward they simply oppose Democrats – and by God they win in the
Supreme Court and Congress even when they lose the Presidency. And they still
win elections at all levels from counties upward. Of course, all Republican
initiatives are cloaked in “reason” as cooked up by their think tanks.
Republican initiatives are always cloaked in both the flag and Christianity,
the dual harbingers of American fascism as Sinclair Lewis warned. And Democrats
can’t wait to wrap themselves in that same cloak.
could not have done worse throughout the Obama years if they had taken that
page from the Republican operatives. They should have taken the advise of that
West Point officer who prepared a report back around ’08. He said, “Declare
victory and leave.” But we stayed and now the efforts are blowing up in
Democrat’s faces. Hell, I think Democratic policies of backing up Republican
wars will actually help Hillary into the White House. I await Ms. Clinton’s
review of “Obama’s” foreign war policy. I predict that, at some point, she will
state that the biggest mistake in US policy since ’08 will be that we didn’t
send ground troops into Syria where they would have been handy at repelling the
Sunni/ISIS war machine. She will tar President Obama with the brush prepared by
John McCain.
know it’s too much to think that Democrats would have had the nerve to declare
the truth: that Bush/Cheney/ were war criminals. Too many Americans don’t
give a s*** about the rest of the world. Torture smorture. They would be fine
with the utter destruction, I mean the complete ruination of Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and
every Muslim country. But, by God, Democrats should at least have come out and
said that our troops are too precious to waste. They should have wrapped
themselves and the American
military machine in the flag.
they reinforced the idea that to “support our troops” means to continue
fighting until some semblance of victory, a la World War II, is achieved. I
like this analogy: If you have a big picnic going on in the park and some of
the silly boys throw rocks at a hornets nest you don’t stay put as everyone is
stung. You don’t keep sending your children into the cloud of hornets. You leave.
Didn’t a huge number of Americans know that Iraq would fall apart as soon as
our troops left? Really? I think of quotes from two Viet Nam vets I know. In
both conversations I was expressing opposition to the war in Iraq. One said,
“We keep sending troops here and there, but WE CAN’T WIN A WAR.” I asked the other one, “Well, what do
you think we should do?” He yelled, “Kill ‘em all. They’re not over here. Kill
‘em all.” It’s simply a continuation of the idea that we could have “won” in
Viet Nam if we had simply been more violent. You know the quotes: “Let’s bomb
them back to the Stone Age.” “But sir, they’re already there.” So, then let’s
kill them all.
these people who talk about the “lesson of Viet Nam” – I never hear them say
the lesson was to allow people in other countries to run their own business
unless they attack us. That’s the lesson. Who makes the argument in today’s
political climate? Rand Paul. I believe his argument will resonate with voters
in 2016, especially if a seasoned, well-connected political veteran like Jeb
Bush joins forces with him (and so far he has, just not yet on that particular
issue). U.S. troops donated more money to Ron Paul than any other candidate in
recent years. They voted for him. And they, with their boots on the ground, are
the Americans who see first hand the insanity of our policy. They are the ones
for whom Democrats should stand up and say, ‘you wasted their lives.’ That
would be patriotic.
where are the Democrats who say it? They are few and far between and local
Republicans are working hard to gerrymander their districts. Who in the United
States has the influence to turn things around? I believe we need a massive
influx of Iraq/Afghanistan vets in politics.
patriotism is akin to high school spirit. To hear the talk during sports season
one would come to the conclusion that every city and hamlet in the country is
divided into camps and that they hate each other. I grew up in Amarillo, Texas.
I went to Tascosa High School. We were the Rebels (we flew the Confederate flag
back then and our mascot was clearly a “Johnny Reb.”) True Rebels hated the
Amarillo High School Golden Sandstorm, the Sandies. But, in the end, we were
all from Amarillo. We were all Texans. Hell, some of those Rebels married
Sandies! Before a game the Sandies might have stolen our school cannon, but
after we won they didn’t fire it at us! They gave it back. And we didn’t “kill
‘em all.” In the long run we knew we were all in it together. But now my
country is infused with hatred and distrust. We are divided in our tribal camps
and we are endangered by our own ‘school spirit.’
lesson of Viet Nam was learned by some folks. Viet Nam learned it, that’s why
they won. Jihadists learned it. The lesson is this: If you have enough people
who are willing to die you can defeat the United States in the sense that they will leave eventually. And you do not have to spend
anywhere near as much money as the US will spend. The US will spend itself into
oblivion in the process of losing.
now know that a successful strike within the United States will repay the costs
a trillion times over. Hell, why should a country attack the US? Just fund a
terrorist group. Ask our “friends” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
any country that actually attacked the US in the US would lose. Period. Duh.
But the threat is not from countries anymore. It is from organized fanatics. We
were not attacked by Iraq or Afghanistan and we are clearly leaving those
countries in positions of chaos and revenge that will cause them to be more of
a headache in the future than we could have even conceived of before 9/11/’01.
And we Americans, too, are in a position of chaos and revenge and we are
turning on each other. That’s the legacy of a strong Republican Party and a
weak, unfocused Democratic Party.
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