It may well be that the best federal response to the federal
building takeover in Oregon is to be low-key and slow to act. This is not
acceptable to anyone who supports Black Lives Matter or to anyone who has ever
been harassed while protesting. At least the differences must be duly noted,
the most cogent being that the Bundy militia is white.
My main interest in the event is in the on-going
anti-government movement and, especially, it’s strange ties to government
itself. Right now in the United States there is a movement among some law
enforcement personnel in the Oathkeeper’s association. Most Oathkeepers, who
swear to not uphold federal gun laws should they become more restrictive, are
in the employ of county sheriffs. It just so happens that the sheriff of Harney
County is not an Oathkeeper. I base this on the quote from the Guardian today (link to story here): “These men came to Harney
County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers when in
reality these men had alternative motives, to attempt to overthrow the county
and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States,”
said Harney County Sheriff David Ward.
With no apologies to the Bundy brothers, I predict that the big battle will occur when a militia stands up in such an
illegal manner in an Oathkeeper county. Then the feds will be up against a
fully armed sheriff’s department, possibly armed with military grade equipment
from “Homeland Security.” Then they will be in a county populated by enough
right-wingers to keep that OathKeeper county sheriff in office. From what I
have read the majority of the populace are not supporting the Bundy militia.
Methinks the Bundys wanted action and didn’t think the whole
thing through tactically. Or, the chilling possibility exists that they
expected to be dead by now.
The truth probably lies in between, but the Feds have
created a tactical situation by allowing the standoff to begin, by not acting
The onus is on the militia to finance and staff a standoff,
to not fire a weapon, start a fire, or misbehave at the grocery store.
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